Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tandoori Chicken

Today I decided to make a special dinner. I made awesome Tandoori Chicken. For those that don't know, it's an Indian dish.

Okay, so it wasn't actually Tandoori Chicken as I don't happen to have a Tandoori Oven. But, it was my attempt and I have to say, it was pretty damn good. To go with the chicken was creamed spinach and jasmine rice.

My kid even like it, and there is not a single think she'll eat besides sandwiches and fruit.

Plus, as good as that was, I managed to get just a bit closer to finishing the book so we can finish the editing. Editing and I are not friends. I'm a horrible speller, and sometimes even spell check doesn't know what to do about me.

That aside, I'm chugging along and it's doing better.

Well, goodnight to all. I am sleepy and my bed is calling my name. Until next time!


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