Monday, June 20, 2011

I'm Sorry Summer

I had posted a blog a while ago about summer abandoning us. I am sorry summer. I should have thought more about it before saying I missed you. I am retracting my previous statement. Summer, please go away again. It is too hot and my house feels like a sauna. Did I anger you and you're now taking out your wrath on us?

Moving on. I am sorry people who read, or now do not read, my blog. My computer has been sick lately, and I have been unable to use it. Therefore, there has been no blog or book or anything going on here. Needless to say, I am now behind in what I had planned. I am still trying to release a sneak peak for my first book by the end of the month, but as it is the 20th, we'll see how that goes.

Well, I must be going, I have lost my glasses and am having a hard time seeing right now. My headache is indicating that my blindness is now effecting me and I should get off the computer and find my glasses. So, farewell dear readers, or reader by now, I will hopefully be back soon!


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