Alrighty, First of all, I know I haven't written in quite some time. Editing is taking it's toll on me I think. Any way, the book is coming along great and we're still on schedule.
Now to the Important stuff.
I read a post on Facebook by a friend earlier today about a show called Whale Wars, which I also watch. I have decided to join in the attempt to bring attention to what the Sea Shepherd's risk their lives for every day. Whales, and other sea life, but on the show, we see the Whales.
Most of you are probably thinking, 'Whales, what do we care?' Well, then you're dumb, and I don't care if I offend people. It is my honest belief. We need to be more concerned with the other life on this planet. I'm sure it doesn't occur to people that each animal, even a freaking mosquito, plays a role in the way the world works. Now I agree with most people that the eradication of mosquitoes would be awesome, but then I wonder what other plague we'd have to deal with, and I'm less inclined to kill them all off.
I like whales though, so I am even less inclined to sit by and watch as they are slaughtered for no reason, while the governments of this world sit by and do nothing about it. That is why I am passionately writing this blog, and begging for people to go to the web site that will be listed below.
Sea Shepherd is an organization of VOLUNTEERS that go out for like, four months at a time, and combat the Japanese whaling boats. They risk their lives for months at a time, away from family, friends, and land, to save these majestic animals. They have risked their health, their safety, and even have gone to such lengths that they were held prisoners, just to save the whales in the arctic oceans.
The men and women who go out on these campaigns fight to stop the unnecessary slaughter of thousands of whales each year. And each year, they do more and more to stop these disgusting things from happening. This year was a turning point. Whaling has been going on forever, all over the world, and because of it the whales are at only 10% of the numbers they used to have. That means 90% of the earths population of whales is gone.
In the last seven years, the Sea Shepherd's have managed to damn near stop the whaling industry in Japan. The Japanese used to have around 45 'Mother Ships' which are the factory ships where the whale meat is cut up for sale. Now they are down to one, and this year the Sea Shepherd's managed to close it down early enough that the Japanese decided not to finish out the season. Their quota is 1,000 (yeah, a freaking thousand) whales, they ended up with less the 200. It's still too much, seeing as how they say they're whaling for 'research'. No one needs that many for research, come on, don't try to lie to us.
The Whaling ship known as the Nisshin Maru, was sent home before they could cut up any more whales. Sadly, it was a good thing for the Japanese people because on their way back to Japan, the tsunami hit and the Nisshin Maru was loaded up and sent around to help people. Thankfully for the Japanese people, they were there to lend aid, instead of burning fuel to kill whales unnecessarily.
(I don't want any one to think I'm heartless to the Japanese people in their time of need, I am not. I have nothing against the Japanese people, there way of life, or their culture. I have a problem with whaling for no reason, and I have an even bigger problem with lying)
Due to the efforts of the Bob Barker, the Steve Irwin, and the stealth Gojira, we may be at an end of whaling in the arctic. However, that is not all the Sea Shepherd's do. They are now fighting unnecessary, and ILLEGAL, killing of Seals off the coast of Namibia. The government there says the killing of seals is illegal, and they happen to be a huge tourist attraction. However there is a man who is paying off officials and killing the gentle creatures any way. And the really fucked up thing? They kill them on the beach, then move sand over the blood soaked area, and open the beach the very next day to the tourists who are out there watching the seals, that will just end up being slaughtered any way. Yeah, messed up.
The Sea Shepherd's are also mobilizing to stop the annual killing of a shit ton (yes, that is an actual amount in my world) of pilot whales in the Faroe Islands. This is a disgusting practice as well. They lure all the whales in, scare them up onto the shores, and then kill them in a bloody and sadistic manner. It's wrong, and horrible.
These animals, all of them, are part of our ecosystem, what happens to them directly effects us. Do we want to kill ourselves off because we hunted down animals for no reason? Really? Not to mention that whales live in families, have languages, and other then living in the water and having a different body shape, they are just like humans. Only, they don't go out and kill other fish and shit for the hell of it. So maybe, they're a bit better off then we are. You don't see humpbacks and pilot whales fighting over turf, or religious beliefs, or any other things just to separate themselves further.
Whales, and other sea life, are all important. They all have a role on this earth, and the senseless killing of these intelligent, and loving animals, is not okay. I don't care who you are, or what you believe, it is not okay to kill something for no reason.
There are natives all over the world that kill whales for food. However, the difference between them and the bastards who kill in the hundreds or thousands; these natives eat what they kill. They only kill what they NEED and that's it. They live how they always have lived, and the still hold true to the belief that killing for sport, or for only one part of an animal, is wrong. Why can't we all see it that way?
So, in conclusion of a rant that probably doesn't make sense because I'm so very pissed off about the things happening to creatures who don't have a way of stopping it, I ask that you help out the Sea Shepherd's in the quest to rid the world of unnecessary cruelness. Whatever you can do, will help greatly. A donation, joining the cause and spreading the word, anything, will be appreciated. Remember, these people go out and VOLUNTEER. They aren't paid, they don't get anything out of this, other then knowing what they're doing is right. And you can too.
Please, check out the link below, and think about the kind of world you want your children to grow up in. Do you want to answer the questions about why whales died off? Do you want to look a child in the eyes and say that you could have done something, but didn't? No, I would think not.
Here's the link:
Please, do what's right. Help these people make a difference.
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Saturday, August 13, 2011
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- J.D. Cole's Blog
- Happy Hippie who lives in her own world. That would describe who I am. I'm a writer who writes for fun, and to bring other people into the worlds I dream about.
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