So, I have a time set for the photo shoot needed to release Healing. We'll be working through December to get the book edited and ready to go, along with doing the photo shoot.
I was able to get my previous model to appear on the cover again and am so excited to work with her. Granted, the previous model is a friend, but that doesn't make it any less exciting. This is the first chance I've had to get her roped into doing the cover shoot. I have to do both at the same time because her time is limited right now, but that is a sacrifice that I'm willing to make.
Which means.... drum roll please..... that I'll be able to get both Healing, and Banishment out much faster. I have a couple people helping me with the edits of both books and with hope, we'll get them out to you.
Not to be all sad and lame, but my family has been through a veritable hell recently and we're just now coming out of it. No one wants me to delve too deep into what happened, just know that we're on an upswing, but because of it, I am not able to hire a 'real' editor. I have people I trust helping with the edits.
I can do most of them myself, but as I've said before (I think), doing your own edits is difficult. I know where the story's going and what should be going on. I also tend to read over some mistakes in spelling and what not because, like most people, I don't really read the word. I look at it and know what should be there, thus some of the issues that escaped me and my editor before.
But any way, that's that. I'm working as fast as my little fingers will let me and hope to have Healing out very, very, very soon.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding. I appreciate it more then I can say.
Goodnight from California!
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Friday, November 30, 2012
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Evil Mornings
I'm not a morning person. I have never, and will never, like the morning. Usually, I'm still awake at 2 am, and therefore, waking up at 7 like most people do, is horrible. My week has been full of early mornings. My daughter is in the afternoon class at her school and because of conferences and what not, she's been going to school in the morning all week. It's been horrible for me, and her. She hates mornings as well.
Because of horrible early mornings, I have been soooo tired that I haven't gotten a single thing done lately. I'm editing what I can of Healing, but it's slow going. It's hard to edit your own stuff, because you know what you mean, but that doesn't mean your reader will. I've had times where I'll write something that makes complete sense to me, but when I have someone read through it, they look at me like a deer in headlights. So, editing my own stuff has been a bit difficult. I've got the spelling and grammar part pretty much knocked out, but the, 'does it make sense' stuff is a little bit more difficult.
I am doing my very best to get it all out as soon as possible and am very optimistic that I will have Healing out before the end of the year. Please, do not hold me to that. I hate that I haven't released it yet and it is a constant thing nagging at my subconscious. I would love to put it out, but I know that it needs a bit more work, and disappointing my readers with a subpar text would be worse then holding off a while longer.
So, please, hold on a little longer. I am optimistic, as you should be.
In closing, I'm sorry it's taking so long. I am trying. So, goodnight from California, where I will be awake for quite a few more hours, working and just enjoying my free time and dreading the toll of the 7 am alarm clock.
Because of horrible early mornings, I have been soooo tired that I haven't gotten a single thing done lately. I'm editing what I can of Healing, but it's slow going. It's hard to edit your own stuff, because you know what you mean, but that doesn't mean your reader will. I've had times where I'll write something that makes complete sense to me, but when I have someone read through it, they look at me like a deer in headlights. So, editing my own stuff has been a bit difficult. I've got the spelling and grammar part pretty much knocked out, but the, 'does it make sense' stuff is a little bit more difficult.
I am doing my very best to get it all out as soon as possible and am very optimistic that I will have Healing out before the end of the year. Please, do not hold me to that. I hate that I haven't released it yet and it is a constant thing nagging at my subconscious. I would love to put it out, but I know that it needs a bit more work, and disappointing my readers with a subpar text would be worse then holding off a while longer.
So, please, hold on a little longer. I am optimistic, as you should be.
In closing, I'm sorry it's taking so long. I am trying. So, goodnight from California, where I will be awake for quite a few more hours, working and just enjoying my free time and dreading the toll of the 7 am alarm clock.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
So, I've been working on book stuff for a while now. I know, it seems like I'll never get the next book out, but I promise I will, eventually. My biggest problem is lack of an editor.
I've been editing the best I can, but most people know you can only catch so much. Even professionally published books have typos and errors in them. Hell, I've read books that half a sentence repeated itself. That's not the point though. The point is, I'm doing this on my own at the moment.
It's been a while since I wrote Healing, and therefore can look at it a bit more objectively, but I still need an outside person to look it over. I'm hoping to have that covered soon and then will get Healing out right away. I really am just waiting on edits, and after that a book cover shoot.
The model I used for the last book is currently unavailable, so I'm working on finding a replacement. Hopefully I'll be able to con the last model into doing a quick shoot for me. I'm fortunate enough to be friends with said model, so I might be able to guilt trip her into it. Otherwise, I'll be looking for another, and she has to fit the image perfectly.
So, yeah, that's how things are at the moment. I hope to update you guys at least once a week on what's going on with everything. It'll probably all be about how I'm doing my best to get it out, but am lame and haven't done it yet.
As soon as I have any solid news, I'll write a special post, but other then that, expect one around once a week or so.
Goodnight from California :)
I've been editing the best I can, but most people know you can only catch so much. Even professionally published books have typos and errors in them. Hell, I've read books that half a sentence repeated itself. That's not the point though. The point is, I'm doing this on my own at the moment.
It's been a while since I wrote Healing, and therefore can look at it a bit more objectively, but I still need an outside person to look it over. I'm hoping to have that covered soon and then will get Healing out right away. I really am just waiting on edits, and after that a book cover shoot.
The model I used for the last book is currently unavailable, so I'm working on finding a replacement. Hopefully I'll be able to con the last model into doing a quick shoot for me. I'm fortunate enough to be friends with said model, so I might be able to guilt trip her into it. Otherwise, I'll be looking for another, and she has to fit the image perfectly.
So, yeah, that's how things are at the moment. I hope to update you guys at least once a week on what's going on with everything. It'll probably all be about how I'm doing my best to get it out, but am lame and haven't done it yet.
As soon as I have any solid news, I'll write a special post, but other then that, expect one around once a week or so.
Goodnight from California :)
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
I said I'd try to write more often, so as of now, I'm keeping to that. I don't really have much to say, I'm working furiously on Healing, and getting out to the adoring public. But as of the moment, it's going to take a bit longer. I have a few ideas on how to get it moving, but as of the moment, they are still just ideas.
Other then that, I have decided that I really dislike fires. I live in Northern California, which means I'm about three hours from any beach and mountains are right outside my doors. Being in Northern California right now means the air is filled with smoke because for the last few weeks, we've had multiple fires burning our forests. It sucks, not only because of the acrid air, but because all of the beautiful trees are gone.
I live here, not for the weather which sucks, but for the trees. It's beautiful seeing those forests all around you, and now they're missing major parts. I am also saddened by all the homes and other things last due to these fires. And of course, I'm really sick of the smoke.
It's like walking around in smoke smelling fog. I've been in areas that have major fog, it's not fun, and really annoying. The smoke here is like that. It's getting better as the fires are being taken care of, but it still smells like smoke every morning in my house and I'm always worried that my house is what's on fire, not the forests around me.
But oh well, not much I can do about it. It does give me reason to stay inside and work harder on the things that need to be done, like getting Healing edited, and getting Banishment finished up so it too, can be edited. I am hopeful the two books will be done within a short amount of time of each other.
Any who, I should depart and get things ready for school tomorrow. Four year old children are not fond of moving about in the early hours of the day. Unless motivated by toys, cartoons, or candy, and no one is getting that in the morning.
Goodnight from smokey California!
Other then that, I have decided that I really dislike fires. I live in Northern California, which means I'm about three hours from any beach and mountains are right outside my doors. Being in Northern California right now means the air is filled with smoke because for the last few weeks, we've had multiple fires burning our forests. It sucks, not only because of the acrid air, but because all of the beautiful trees are gone.
I live here, not for the weather which sucks, but for the trees. It's beautiful seeing those forests all around you, and now they're missing major parts. I am also saddened by all the homes and other things last due to these fires. And of course, I'm really sick of the smoke.
It's like walking around in smoke smelling fog. I've been in areas that have major fog, it's not fun, and really annoying. The smoke here is like that. It's getting better as the fires are being taken care of, but it still smells like smoke every morning in my house and I'm always worried that my house is what's on fire, not the forests around me.
But oh well, not much I can do about it. It does give me reason to stay inside and work harder on the things that need to be done, like getting Healing edited, and getting Banishment finished up so it too, can be edited. I am hopeful the two books will be done within a short amount of time of each other.
Any who, I should depart and get things ready for school tomorrow. Four year old children are not fond of moving about in the early hours of the day. Unless motivated by toys, cartoons, or candy, and no one is getting that in the morning.
Goodnight from smokey California!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Remember how I said I'm lame?
Hello again dear internet people, and the few people who have read my blog. I am sorry I've been away. I have no real excuses for not working on my blog, other then my life had been in my way as of late. For that, I am deeply sorry. I have let down the people who have read my blog in the past, and who are expecting things from me. Which brings me to my book, or trilogy as it should be.
Alone has come out, almost a year ago now, and it's doing great for a self published book that has no reviews by book bloggers or anything of the sort. I haven't marketed it, at all, and am not worried with marketing it at the moment. I wrote the story because it was in my head, and I loved it. I wanted to share the story with others.
Sharing the second part of Clear's journey has been a bit of challenge. I had an editor, things happened and I no longer have one. I can edit on my own, of course, but my life is not on my side. I have a disabled husband who has not been doing well the past few months, and his well being is more important to me then my story.
My husband is on the upswing, and my four year old just started school. I will have more time to devote to my writing. I will, hopefully, get Healing (Banishment Series #2) out to the public, and my fans, by the end of this year. I cannot make promises, which I shouldn't have done in the first place, but I can say I will being trying very hard.
Again, I am sorry to those who are waiting, and feel incredibly horrible about the whole situation. I'm working on a way to make it up to people, but I'm not even sure what that could be at this point.
So, that's really all for now. I hope to be posting at least once a week, letting those people that read the blog how the progress is going and when they might expect Healing to come out.
Goodnight from California!
Alone has come out, almost a year ago now, and it's doing great for a self published book that has no reviews by book bloggers or anything of the sort. I haven't marketed it, at all, and am not worried with marketing it at the moment. I wrote the story because it was in my head, and I loved it. I wanted to share the story with others.
Sharing the second part of Clear's journey has been a bit of challenge. I had an editor, things happened and I no longer have one. I can edit on my own, of course, but my life is not on my side. I have a disabled husband who has not been doing well the past few months, and his well being is more important to me then my story.
My husband is on the upswing, and my four year old just started school. I will have more time to devote to my writing. I will, hopefully, get Healing (Banishment Series #2) out to the public, and my fans, by the end of this year. I cannot make promises, which I shouldn't have done in the first place, but I can say I will being trying very hard.
Again, I am sorry to those who are waiting, and feel incredibly horrible about the whole situation. I'm working on a way to make it up to people, but I'm not even sure what that could be at this point.
So, that's really all for now. I hope to be posting at least once a week, letting those people that read the blog how the progress is going and when they might expect Healing to come out.
Goodnight from California!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
I am TOTALLY lame
To those that care, which I hope you all do, I am sorry. I am so completely lame that it's not even funny any more. I have completely abandoned you, my dear reader, and been so focused that I honestly didn't know when I'd written on here last. When I saw that it was way back in February, I laughed. Not in a-ha that's funny that I totally neglected you-but a laugh that would have scared people because it was a crazy person laughing. Good thing my kids asleep and my husband is used to my crazy laughter.
So, on to what I've been doing. I've been writing and editing and waiting. I have a new editor, and because of that, I'm having to wait a bit longer for edits and things to make their way back. My dear best friend and former editor is in nursing school and has absolutely no life, therefore I had to get a new editor. And wouldn't you know it? That editor had a family emergency a couple weeks ago and had to pause in her efforts to edit. So, I'm waiting. Unfortunately that means that the due date is undetermined for the book release. I had wanted to get it out sometime this month, and that isn't going to happen. My sincere hope is by the end of May, but it'll probably be more like June.
However, I hope to be able to give you a little taste of Healing soon. I hope you're as excited to find out what happens to Clear as I am :)
Well, this is all for now. It is one in the morning here in Cali and I have no energy left. My daughter has decided that at age four we need to start gardening, all over the yard. I don't mind playing in the dirt, but she has a specific way we garden and what we put where. Needless to say, I am tired and sore. (groans while trying to stretch back)
So, goodnight dear readers in the inter-web-verse.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Woot Woot
So Alone is available on Barnes and Nobel and other sites as well, but now Barnes and Nobel has the picture and description as well. Just thought I'd let you all know that now you can see the amazing cover image and description on the Barnes and Nobel site.
I am diligently working on the edits and formatting of The Banishment Series Book #2, Healing. That will hopefully be available in the spring, probably closer to the beginning of summer.
So, in conclusion for today, Alone is showing it's pretty picture and you should all go out and purchase it. Only .99 cents.
I am diligently working on the edits and formatting of The Banishment Series Book #2, Healing. That will hopefully be available in the spring, probably closer to the beginning of summer.
So, in conclusion for today, Alone is showing it's pretty picture and you should all go out and purchase it. Only .99 cents.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
IT'S OUT!!!!!
Okay, so the book is officially out there in the interverse. I saw that it is on Kobo and of course on Smashwords as well. The big shock came when a friend called and said Alone (Banishment Series #1) was on Barnes and Nobel. She and her mother both bought the book today, so that brings it up to 2 total. But I have a problem. it seems that Alone doesn't have a cover image or a description at all on Barnes and Nobel. It does on Kobo, but for some reason not B&N. I am looking into it, but I'm not sure when that will be fixed. Please don't let this discourage you. I will be working on it and it should be fixed soon. I hope. But, you can get a good look at the cover and description in the post Book Blurb and Cover.
Thank you to everyone who has kept faithful that I will eventually release this book. I hope you all have the time to go and buy it and give it a chance. It's only selling for .99 cents, so give it a shot :)
Thank you to everyone who has kept faithful that I will eventually release this book. I hope you all have the time to go and buy it and give it a chance. It's only selling for .99 cents, so give it a shot :)
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Alone (Banishment Series #1)
So, it's been a while since I wrote to you guys. I am so very sorry for this. Christmas was a fiasco with my family, and then I found out I had a very sick Aunt. My mother, brother, daughter and I went to Idaho for a few days to visit her. I've also been having issues with the roof of my house, again. So, writing has been on the back burner and I'm very sorry for that.
However, good news is, Alone should be on e-shelves very soon. I was able to figure out what I was doing wrong with my formatting, and then I fixed it. It was great to see that my book has been approved by Smashwords for Premium Distribution. That means, it should be to e-book stores any time. Or at least I hope. I looked on my nook today and it isn't there yet, but that doesn't mean it won't be soon. I will, I promise, write a blog the second I know it's on the nook.
Any way, that's really all about that for now. I am, in fact, editing the second book of the Banishment Series, Healing. Now that I know what I'm doing with the formatting, it shouldn't take too long with that. The edits are going a bit slow with the family and roof, but I am still expecting a spring release for it.
Well, that is all for now. I am excited and really hope that those of you who follow will take a chance on Alone. It's listed for .99 cents so it won't break the bank. Both of the other books in the series, Healing and the last book, Banishment, will also be released for .99 cents so no need to worry about a price hike or anything like that.
Goodnight from California. It is 8:30 and I am about to start another couple hours of editing.
However, good news is, Alone should be on e-shelves very soon. I was able to figure out what I was doing wrong with my formatting, and then I fixed it. It was great to see that my book has been approved by Smashwords for Premium Distribution. That means, it should be to e-book stores any time. Or at least I hope. I looked on my nook today and it isn't there yet, but that doesn't mean it won't be soon. I will, I promise, write a blog the second I know it's on the nook.
Any way, that's really all about that for now. I am, in fact, editing the second book of the Banishment Series, Healing. Now that I know what I'm doing with the formatting, it shouldn't take too long with that. The edits are going a bit slow with the family and roof, but I am still expecting a spring release for it.
Well, that is all for now. I am excited and really hope that those of you who follow will take a chance on Alone. It's listed for .99 cents so it won't break the bank. Both of the other books in the series, Healing and the last book, Banishment, will also be released for .99 cents so no need to worry about a price hike or anything like that.
Goodnight from California. It is 8:30 and I am about to start another couple hours of editing.
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- J.D. Cole's Blog
- Happy Hippie who lives in her own world. That would describe who I am. I'm a writer who writes for fun, and to bring other people into the worlds I dream about.