Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Book

Okay people, so I said I'd have a sample chapter out to you by the end of June. It is now the end of June. Do I have a sample for you? Of course. But is it a full chapter? I am sorry, no.

See, I am technologically slow, and when it comes to putting things up on my blog, I have a techie for that. Is my techie around today? Of course not.

I know, I know. I suck. But the good news is... I do have something for you. It may not be a full chapter, but I think it's interesting. All I can say is I'm sorry and hopefully people will understand.

Other then being lame, I'm doing pretty good with the book stuff. We weren't able to do the photo shoot for the cover like I was expecting, so that will take a bit longer. The editing is going well, I'm still hoping for a fall release date. No, I will not give a month out because then I will never reach that goal. Time is not on my side, no it's not.

Any who... without further adieu...

(I have been told by my adviser to say that the following is a work of fiction and is owned by J.D. Cole in it's entirety and any usage of the following could result in a lawsuit or something along those lines. Basically, the story and characters written about here are owned by me and I would really appreciate no one taking them and trying to make their own thing up off of what I have written here. now that that's out of the way, enjoy :))

Everyone says; When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. I say: When life gives you lemons, make grape juice and sit back watching while they try and figure out how the hell you did it.
I have decided to make grape juice. However, my decision has come after many, many failed attempts at making lemonade. Personally, I hate lemonade. So it's no wonder that try as I might, I have never made it correctly, and my life has now spun out of control. Or almost out of control. Honestly, I have no clue who's in control of much any more.
I grew up thinking the world was grand. A great place, full of great people, doing great things. Okay, I'm wasn’t that naïve, but I also didn't give two licks about the real world. Not when I had my hands full of the world I was currently part of.

Creative Commons License
Alone by J.D. Cole is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Monday, June 27, 2011

World Changing Events

I bet I can guess what you're all thinking. You probably all think you know whats coming next. Yes, I am going to talk about some of the most life and world changing events going on today.

I managed to kill two bugs at once. Yep. I killed them dead with my feet and I was proud. I'm sorry to those that like bugs, or think bugs do important things. These bugs do not. They are in my home uninvited and there are no plants for them to snack on. All they do is scare my child. So, they are now in the buggy cemetery, hopefully the do not come back to haunt me as evil zombie like creatures.

Other world changing events: I have an odd bump on my leg. When I was a kid, teen, how old was I?... Any way, I bumped my leg on a boat and it has always had a bump. Either my shin has lost weight, or the bump is bigger. Or maybe I'm just noticing it more. Either way, it is life changing because I am more aware of it now.

I honestly don't have much to say tonight. Just rambling thoughts that aren't even interesting. But, I do feel the need to 'speak' with my followers, and the people who stumble upon my sight. To my followers, I thank you. To those who stumble upon my sight, I thank you and hope you're enjoying my crazy.

On to book stuff, that sample chapter is almost ready. I have three days to reach my June release date for a sample, and am hoping I make that. I am sorry to those who are getting fed up with out knowing much. I'm also working on a blurb about the book so there's something for people to get interested in as well as a sample chapter.

Stick with me, I will get it all out to you eventually!

Goodnight dear readers, it is time for bed.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Captains Log #398

Well, things are moving along with the book. My editor is getting quite a bit done and we should have a sample chapter up by the end of the month.! YAY!

Also, we'll be doing a photo shoot this weekend for the book cover, super excited. As soon as that's finished, and we have the book cover put together perfectly, I'll put it up to get you interested.

I can't wait, hope you're all as excited as I am! :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

I'm Sorry Summer

I had posted a blog a while ago about summer abandoning us. I am sorry summer. I should have thought more about it before saying I missed you. I am retracting my previous statement. Summer, please go away again. It is too hot and my house feels like a sauna. Did I anger you and you're now taking out your wrath on us?

Moving on. I am sorry people who read, or now do not read, my blog. My computer has been sick lately, and I have been unable to use it. Therefore, there has been no blog or book or anything going on here. Needless to say, I am now behind in what I had planned. I am still trying to release a sneak peak for my first book by the end of the month, but as it is the 20th, we'll see how that goes.

Well, I must be going, I have lost my glasses and am having a hard time seeing right now. My headache is indicating that my blindness is now effecting me and I should get off the computer and find my glasses. So, farewell dear readers, or reader by now, I will hopefully be back soon!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Captains Log #347

Writing and editing furiously. I haven't been sleeping, or eating, or doing much of anything other then those two things. I desperately want to get this preview chapter out to you asap, but it's taking a bit more time then I'd originally thought. I am sorry, it seems I'll never get anything out to any one, but I am working hard.

Thanks to those that keep reading and checking back here, I appreciate you.

Well, back to the writing and editing.

Good night or day to you all!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Really MTV?

So, I watched the MTV awards tonight for one thing, the Harry Potter preview. I am a die hard Harry Potter fan and am anxiously awaiting the last (sad face) Harry Potter movie.

However, I am very upset with MTV and the awards. We all know, out of the award shows out there, the MTV movie awards has lost its way. They used to be entertaining, they used to have awesome movies and actors, they used to push the envelope. Now, they push the audience. Away.

This year they really messed up with the lack of showing some of the more awesome awards. Like, Biggest Bad Ass Star, which went to Chloë Grace Moretz for Kick Ass, and Best Scared as Shit Performance, which went to Ellen Page – Inception, Best Breakout Star, which went to Chloë Grace Moretz – Kick-Ass.

The award they could have done with out... Best Jaw Dropping Moment. Really? Justin Bieber was more jaw dropping then James Franco cutting his freaking arm off? Or Natalie Portman peeling her skin off in Black Swan? Or a freaking cafe being blown apart by Leonardo DiCaprio? Or even Steve-O flying in a port-a potty? Come on people. I guess keeping it the WTF Award hit too close to home, knowing the audience would probably ask, WTF? when Justin Beiber won the award instead of the more interesting moments.

It just irritates me that MTV has gotten rid of their more interesting award titles, and then they give us a show that doesn't show us all of their awards. Then again, MTV isn't exactly Music Television any more, is it? Maybe they're just getting tired and they've given up. I dunno. I don't usually throw a fit about things like this, but tonight it just irritated me. A lot.

Sorry for my crazy post about things that seem less then important right now when our world has so much more going on, but this is my blog, and these are my thoughts, so (sticky tongue face at you.) I'm sorry. It's late and I'm crazy. Night all!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Long Night

Had another one of those long nights last night, but I am now finished with first round editing stuff. My editor is going over things this weekend and we should have a sample chapter up soon. Yay! I am sorry it's taken so long, and I bet many of you think that there is no book coming, but I promise, there is.

Well, that is all as my brain is fuzz and there are quiet a few things I should be doing around my house today.

So good day to you all! :)