Where are you summer? Have you decided to abandon us? I cannot say that I mind the odd weather. It's cooler then usual, and the colors are amazing. The bright green of the trees as the sun hits. The way they stand out against the storm clouds. Beautiful to look at, really.
But I have a bone to pick with you summer. My child would like to ride her bike and it is a bit difficult to do so when you start raining randomly. I would ride a bike in the rain no problem, however I am not a child who could get sick. Sick children are no fun.
So I ask one more time dear summer, where are you?
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Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Summer, or the Lack There Of
As I think I have mentioned before, I live in California. I happen to live in a particularly hot part of California. Summers here are brutal, and winters are decently cold. We get the best of Californian weather, and the worst.
This year however, is pretty much lame. By Memorial Day weekend, it's usually pretty freaking hot. I'm not a fan of hot, but I am a fan of days were I can somewhat judge the weather. Today started out pretty sunny and normal, at least for a spring type day, and ended cold and windy.
Where the hell is summer? I'm used to summer being in full swing by now. June is usually hot, and June is pretty close. I'm not so sure June will be hot. I'm fine with that, I'm just a bit confused.
Oh well. Life goes on.
Sorry I haven't been here much, life has taken a course of it's own lately and it seems I am no longer at the wheel. Whoever is, sure does keep me busy.
The book is coming along well and, I know I keep saying this, but it should be ready for a preview chapter soon. When that happens, I would love feedback from any one who reads it.
Other then that... I'm pretty much out of things to ramble about. My brain has been off lately. I'm in the edit mode and the creative mode is all over the place, making it really hard to keep to a single subject for too long.
So, goodnight dear readers. Have an awesome night, or day, or whatever time it is for you.
This year however, is pretty much lame. By Memorial Day weekend, it's usually pretty freaking hot. I'm not a fan of hot, but I am a fan of days were I can somewhat judge the weather. Today started out pretty sunny and normal, at least for a spring type day, and ended cold and windy.
Where the hell is summer? I'm used to summer being in full swing by now. June is usually hot, and June is pretty close. I'm not so sure June will be hot. I'm fine with that, I'm just a bit confused.
Oh well. Life goes on.
Sorry I haven't been here much, life has taken a course of it's own lately and it seems I am no longer at the wheel. Whoever is, sure does keep me busy.
The book is coming along well and, I know I keep saying this, but it should be ready for a preview chapter soon. When that happens, I would love feedback from any one who reads it.
Other then that... I'm pretty much out of things to ramble about. My brain has been off lately. I'm in the edit mode and the creative mode is all over the place, making it really hard to keep to a single subject for too long.
So, goodnight dear readers. Have an awesome night, or day, or whatever time it is for you.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Catching Up
For the last few days, I have been unable to access my blog from the usual sign in place. I tried a few tricks today, and was obviously successful. I am sorry to those who read my blog, I didn't mean to desert you.
So, what I've been up to lately. I've been working furiously on my book, hoping to get it ready for reading soon. Also, I've done some editing for a colleague and that went over well. I was surprised by how much I was able to help her.
Tornado warnings keep popping up in the North State and I wonder if we'll actually have a real tornado. The news keeps saying stuff about them, but as far as I'm aware, and I may be wrong, none have actually touched down. It's still interesting though.
I often find myself wondering why people who live in tornado alley don't worry about them like I would. I guess it's just how you grow up. Lot's of people worry about earthquakes and freak out about them. I find them to be rather annoying, however have not been scared by them. So, again, it may have to do with where and how you grow up.
American Idol also wrapped up this week. Can't say I was shocked by who won, can't say I really care any more. It seems to me that the contestants start to lose who they are on that show. I remember the beginning, when both of the finalists started. Both were good and I thought Lauren would make it to the end(yay go me). But as the show wound on, both started to lose what it was that made them amazing in their auditions. Scotty did great when he sang on the finale, especially with Tim McGraw, and I sincerely hope they write good songs for him. It seems that the male winners have a harder time with that show then the female ones. I dunno. That's just my observation. Hopefully he'll get good songs and do well, we can only be supportive of those that go for their dreams.
Moving on... So You Think You Can Dance is starting, tonight! I'm so excited. Dance has always been a passion of mine. When I was a kid I asked my parents if I could take dance lessons. They said no because they weren't sure if it was something I'd keep with long enough to be worth how much it cost. I understood, but never lost my love of dance. In high school, I took a dance class and even started teaching. Then I started taking private lessons. I even kept going into college, but life got ahead of me and dance fell away. But, that doesn't stop me from watching this show and thinking about how awesome it would be to be a part of it.
Golly gee, I think I've run out of things to ramble on about. My brain has fizzled out as I realized how close to 8pm it is, and that means... So You Think You Can Dance! Whoot! Whoot!
Until next time my friends, I leave you with this: "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today." -James Dean
Remember to dream. Dreaming is all we have when the lights go off and we're all alone. When the world is crashing down around you, you're dreams will get you through. Dream, no matter how small, or how grand, just dream.
Goodnight. Sweet Dreams :)
So, what I've been up to lately. I've been working furiously on my book, hoping to get it ready for reading soon. Also, I've done some editing for a colleague and that went over well. I was surprised by how much I was able to help her.
Tornado warnings keep popping up in the North State and I wonder if we'll actually have a real tornado. The news keeps saying stuff about them, but as far as I'm aware, and I may be wrong, none have actually touched down. It's still interesting though.
I often find myself wondering why people who live in tornado alley don't worry about them like I would. I guess it's just how you grow up. Lot's of people worry about earthquakes and freak out about them. I find them to be rather annoying, however have not been scared by them. So, again, it may have to do with where and how you grow up.
American Idol also wrapped up this week. Can't say I was shocked by who won, can't say I really care any more. It seems to me that the contestants start to lose who they are on that show. I remember the beginning, when both of the finalists started. Both were good and I thought Lauren would make it to the end(yay go me). But as the show wound on, both started to lose what it was that made them amazing in their auditions. Scotty did great when he sang on the finale, especially with Tim McGraw, and I sincerely hope they write good songs for him. It seems that the male winners have a harder time with that show then the female ones. I dunno. That's just my observation. Hopefully he'll get good songs and do well, we can only be supportive of those that go for their dreams.
Moving on... So You Think You Can Dance is starting, tonight! I'm so excited. Dance has always been a passion of mine. When I was a kid I asked my parents if I could take dance lessons. They said no because they weren't sure if it was something I'd keep with long enough to be worth how much it cost. I understood, but never lost my love of dance. In high school, I took a dance class and even started teaching. Then I started taking private lessons. I even kept going into college, but life got ahead of me and dance fell away. But, that doesn't stop me from watching this show and thinking about how awesome it would be to be a part of it.
Golly gee, I think I've run out of things to ramble on about. My brain has fizzled out as I realized how close to 8pm it is, and that means... So You Think You Can Dance! Whoot! Whoot!
Until next time my friends, I leave you with this: "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today." -James Dean
Remember to dream. Dreaming is all we have when the lights go off and we're all alone. When the world is crashing down around you, you're dreams will get you through. Dream, no matter how small, or how grand, just dream.
Goodnight. Sweet Dreams :)
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Longest Day Ever
So, it seems as though there is no zombie apocalypse or end of the world today. Unless in the next three hours or so the zombies break out and take over, killing us all.
Because of all this zombie stuff, I've had what feels like the longest day ever. Do you ever have those days when your imagination runs away with you? I do. All the time in fact. Last night, my imagination went crazy and took on a mind of its own.
My house is old, very old. It creaks and groans all night long. Usually I have no problem with this, but last night everything sounded like zombies coming in. It was so hilarious to me that the first thought I had was zombies, that I stayed up most of the night thinking about a story line that would include my issue.
Then my kid was up and down all night. Needless to say, I didn't sleep much. Then I had a long day of my kid being a butt, and other issues that you won't care about.
Any who, that is pretty much all I have to say today. I'm tired and can't think about anything other then zombies. I may have to watch a zombie movie to get a 'fix' or something. Hmm, zombie movies... Any suggestions?
Because of all this zombie stuff, I've had what feels like the longest day ever. Do you ever have those days when your imagination runs away with you? I do. All the time in fact. Last night, my imagination went crazy and took on a mind of its own.
My house is old, very old. It creaks and groans all night long. Usually I have no problem with this, but last night everything sounded like zombies coming in. It was so hilarious to me that the first thought I had was zombies, that I stayed up most of the night thinking about a story line that would include my issue.
Then my kid was up and down all night. Needless to say, I didn't sleep much. Then I had a long day of my kid being a butt, and other issues that you won't care about.
Any who, that is pretty much all I have to say today. I'm tired and can't think about anything other then zombies. I may have to watch a zombie movie to get a 'fix' or something. Hmm, zombie movies... Any suggestions?
Friday, May 20, 2011
So, supposedly the CDC released a "statement" about zombies today. It was interesting to read. It doesn't say anything about zombies being a problem, but that if there were a zombie apocalypse, same rules would apply. They'd do the usual CDC thing and quarantine it, and try to keep the exposure down.
Also, it's always good to have a go bag with essentials in it. Whether it be for a zombie apocalypse, or a general natural disaster. I bet though, in case of zombies, it's always good to have a shotgun strapped to you. You never know when you may need it.
Any way, all this zombie stuff got me excited because I figure zombies will eventually take over. Okay, maybe not really, but it'll be funny if it does happen. At least we know what to do by now, right?
Also, (my last couple paragraphs have all started with 'A', hehe) I have a friend who's writing a zombie book. And one of my favorite authors is coming out with a sequel to her first zombie book and I'm super excited. Yay for Amanda Hocking. Hopefully she won't get upset with my mentioning her, but she rocks and any one who reads this should check out her blog and read her books. They're a-ma-zing.
Well dear readers, that is all for now. Nothing new on the book front other then, I hate editing. But oh well, I'm fairly sure no one likes editing. Except maybe editors. And even then I'm sure it irritates them sometimes.
Goodnight to all!
Also, it's always good to have a go bag with essentials in it. Whether it be for a zombie apocalypse, or a general natural disaster. I bet though, in case of zombies, it's always good to have a shotgun strapped to you. You never know when you may need it.
Any way, all this zombie stuff got me excited because I figure zombies will eventually take over. Okay, maybe not really, but it'll be funny if it does happen. At least we know what to do by now, right?
Also, (my last couple paragraphs have all started with 'A', hehe) I have a friend who's writing a zombie book. And one of my favorite authors is coming out with a sequel to her first zombie book and I'm super excited. Yay for Amanda Hocking. Hopefully she won't get upset with my mentioning her, but she rocks and any one who reads this should check out her blog and read her books. They're a-ma-zing.
Well dear readers, that is all for now. Nothing new on the book front other then, I hate editing. But oh well, I'm fairly sure no one likes editing. Except maybe editors. And even then I'm sure it irritates them sometimes.
Goodnight to all!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tandoori Chicken
Today I decided to make a special dinner. I made awesome Tandoori Chicken. For those that don't know, it's an Indian dish.
Okay, so it wasn't actually Tandoori Chicken as I don't happen to have a Tandoori Oven. But, it was my attempt and I have to say, it was pretty damn good. To go with the chicken was creamed spinach and jasmine rice.
My kid even like it, and there is not a single think she'll eat besides sandwiches and fruit.
Plus, as good as that was, I managed to get just a bit closer to finishing the book so we can finish the editing. Editing and I are not friends. I'm a horrible speller, and sometimes even spell check doesn't know what to do about me.
That aside, I'm chugging along and it's doing better.
Well, goodnight to all. I am sleepy and my bed is calling my name. Until next time!
Okay, so it wasn't actually Tandoori Chicken as I don't happen to have a Tandoori Oven. But, it was my attempt and I have to say, it was pretty damn good. To go with the chicken was creamed spinach and jasmine rice.
My kid even like it, and there is not a single think she'll eat besides sandwiches and fruit.
Plus, as good as that was, I managed to get just a bit closer to finishing the book so we can finish the editing. Editing and I are not friends. I'm a horrible speller, and sometimes even spell check doesn't know what to do about me.
That aside, I'm chugging along and it's doing better.
Well, goodnight to all. I am sleepy and my bed is calling my name. Until next time!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
I live in California. We all know what people think of California. Sun, surf, tan people... so not true. Today, due to the odd weather effecting the world, we had a freak hail storm. It. Was. Awesome!
I was eating dinner with my family when the rain started sounding a bit more... solid. We opened the door and surprise surprise, hail. It was pretty normal hail for these parts, until the gates to the hail workshop opened and it all started pouring out.
Hail fell in thick chunks, like parts of ice cubes, and tinged off of everything. My car even got a little damage.
But the best part was the hail that entered my house. We have a swamp cooler, and hail decided to work it's way through, and fall in my hallway as well. Needless to say, my child thought we were gonna die and because of that, I had a growth attached to me for quite a while.
Well lovely readers, that is all tonight. My growth is having a hard day, and I can barely see my computer screen to write. Where are my glasses? Oh well, I'll find them eventually, I think.
I was eating dinner with my family when the rain started sounding a bit more... solid. We opened the door and surprise surprise, hail. It was pretty normal hail for these parts, until the gates to the hail workshop opened and it all started pouring out.
Hail fell in thick chunks, like parts of ice cubes, and tinged off of everything. My car even got a little damage.
But the best part was the hail that entered my house. We have a swamp cooler, and hail decided to work it's way through, and fall in my hallway as well. Needless to say, my child thought we were gonna die and because of that, I had a growth attached to me for quite a while.
Well lovely readers, that is all tonight. My growth is having a hard day, and I can barely see my computer screen to write. Where are my glasses? Oh well, I'll find them eventually, I think.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Captains Log # 2
Red lights irritate me. Have you ever noticed that when you have somewhere to go, and really no time to spare, you hit every freaking red light between the beginning and end of your journey? I understand that I am not the only person out there, and other people would like their turn for a green light. I just hate being stuck behind every darn red light there is.
Then, have you ever noticed when you don't particularly want to get across town quickly, and you'd rather have red lights hinder you so it's an excuse, you hit all the green lights? Thank you Karma. You rock.(sarcasm)
Enough on red lights and green lights. On to the book.
My first book, hopefully available in the fall, should be ready for a preview chapter soon. I would love to tell you more about it, but as a rule of thumb, only give them a little so they keep wanting more.
That is all for now loyal readers and followers and those of you that just happen across my blog. I will write again tomorrow, or later tonight if I feel the urge to write. Good day to all!
Then, have you ever noticed when you don't particularly want to get across town quickly, and you'd rather have red lights hinder you so it's an excuse, you hit all the green lights? Thank you Karma. You rock.(sarcasm)
Enough on red lights and green lights. On to the book.
My first book, hopefully available in the fall, should be ready for a preview chapter soon. I would love to tell you more about it, but as a rule of thumb, only give them a little so they keep wanting more.
That is all for now loyal readers and followers and those of you that just happen across my blog. I will write again tomorrow, or later tonight if I feel the urge to write. Good day to all!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
What's on my Mind
Of course, my book should be what's on my mind. And it is. It usually takes up a majority of my conscious thought. However, at the moment my thoughts are on candy, tea, and singing competitions. Random? Yes.
First on the cue for today: Candy
I know I went into my thoughts on candy yesterday, but the thought is still on my mind. Maybe because my kid keeps asking for candy for no real reason. Other then, 'candy is yummy mom'. So here I am, thinking about candy again. And now, you are too. Hehe.
Second: Tea
I recently started drinking tea as a better for me option. I love sodas, but they are not good for me. So I have started drinking more tea to get my caffeine fix. It's great. I feel tons better and am a lot happier with my tea choice. So, yay tea.
Third: Singing Competitons
I know, everyone has their own views on the singing competitions out there. One thing I like about the two major ones on TV right now, they both showcase amazing singers. Granted, some are better then others, but it's nice to see great singing out there. One has produced rather amazing singers who did not win the competition, and some of them have not even made it to the dreaded voting round.
My main issue, I'm not sure if it's an issue or a grievance or what, but one thing I would like to suggest to any one planning on having a singing competition on TV, maybe make the voting round about who you want to vote off instead of on. Just an idea. It's a lot easier for me to tell you one person I'd rather not keep going, then voting for multiple people in a two hour period. Come on, sometimes there's only one person who irritates me and all the rest are awesome. That's a lot of time on the phone. Again, just a suggestion.
Well, that seems to be about all right now. So, good day to you people who have viewed, or will view this. Hope all is well out there in your world :)
Of course, my book should be what's on my mind. And it is. It usually takes up a majority of my conscious thought. However, at the moment my thoughts are on candy, tea, and singing competitions. Random? Yes.
First on the cue for today: Candy
I know I went into my thoughts on candy yesterday, but the thought is still on my mind. Maybe because my kid keeps asking for candy for no real reason. Other then, 'candy is yummy mom'. So here I am, thinking about candy again. And now, you are too. Hehe.
Second: Tea
I recently started drinking tea as a better for me option. I love sodas, but they are not good for me. So I have started drinking more tea to get my caffeine fix. It's great. I feel tons better and am a lot happier with my tea choice. So, yay tea.
Third: Singing Competitons
I know, everyone has their own views on the singing competitions out there. One thing I like about the two major ones on TV right now, they both showcase amazing singers. Granted, some are better then others, but it's nice to see great singing out there. One has produced rather amazing singers who did not win the competition, and some of them have not even made it to the dreaded voting round.
My main issue, I'm not sure if it's an issue or a grievance or what, but one thing I would like to suggest to any one planning on having a singing competition on TV, maybe make the voting round about who you want to vote off instead of on. Just an idea. It's a lot easier for me to tell you one person I'd rather not keep going, then voting for multiple people in a two hour period. Come on, sometimes there's only one person who irritates me and all the rest are awesome. That's a lot of time on the phone. Again, just a suggestion.
Well, that seems to be about all right now. So, good day to you people who have viewed, or will view this. Hope all is well out there in your world :)
Saturday, May 14, 2011
After Much Thinking
So, I've come to the conclusion that my earlier post didn't tell any one much about who I am and what this site is supposed to be about. Honestly, this site is supposed to be about the books I'm attempting to write. I love writing, it's something that calms me and makes me happy.
Well here goes, first book to hit the 'shelves' will be a book about the Fae. For those who don't know what that is, their fairies. Not the Tinker Bell kind that are only a couple inches tall, but the race known in Celtic Mythology as the Tuatha De Danaan. I don't pretend to be an expert on them, but I find that sort of myth interesting and thought, or actually dreamed, about it a lot.
The books will be available as soon as I manage to edit them. Editing and I are not friends. I'm probably the worst speller in the world because I don't tend to think about how the word is spelled, I just write. So my friend is doing the editing because she catches those mistakes, and I love her for it.
For the time being, I'm just trying to get my site up and going. I want to get myself out there and get a buzz going so someone else can eventually read my work and fall in love with the story and characters. Or tell me they're a bunch of crap and I'm a horrible writer. Either way, I don't care. I love the stories I have in my head, and one day hope to have available for others to read.
I'm also technologically slow and don't navigate sites well. But eventually I hope to have links to my other sites so if people find my ramblings, and books, interesting, they can follow me.
Any who... that seems about it for now on the me subject. I'm not a fan of me so let's find something more interesting. Candy. I'm not a big fan of candy, but lots of people love it and I've found that if you promise someone a yummy candy, they'll almost do anything for you. Odd, yes? Goodnight all those out there in internet land :)
Well here goes, first book to hit the 'shelves' will be a book about the Fae. For those who don't know what that is, their fairies. Not the Tinker Bell kind that are only a couple inches tall, but the race known in Celtic Mythology as the Tuatha De Danaan. I don't pretend to be an expert on them, but I find that sort of myth interesting and thought, or actually dreamed, about it a lot.
The books will be available as soon as I manage to edit them. Editing and I are not friends. I'm probably the worst speller in the world because I don't tend to think about how the word is spelled, I just write. So my friend is doing the editing because she catches those mistakes, and I love her for it.
For the time being, I'm just trying to get my site up and going. I want to get myself out there and get a buzz going so someone else can eventually read my work and fall in love with the story and characters. Or tell me they're a bunch of crap and I'm a horrible writer. Either way, I don't care. I love the stories I have in my head, and one day hope to have available for others to read.
I'm also technologically slow and don't navigate sites well. But eventually I hope to have links to my other sites so if people find my ramblings, and books, interesting, they can follow me.
Any who... that seems about it for now on the me subject. I'm not a fan of me so let's find something more interesting. Candy. I'm not a big fan of candy, but lots of people love it and I've found that if you promise someone a yummy candy, they'll almost do anything for you. Odd, yes? Goodnight all those out there in internet land :)
Captains Log #128
I know what you're thinking, you're really behind and need to catch up on blogs. But fear not! This is actually my first blog, but #128 kept calling out to me, saying to use that number. So here I am, writing my first blog, but calling it #128.
Moving on!
Today we'll discuss one of my favorite things. Peanut. For those of you who have no clue who Peanut is, here is a picture of the amazing... what is he?
Now, I bet you're wondering why I want to talk about Peanut instead of something more suited to a blog about who I am and my books and what not. But, Peanut was the first thing to come to mind when I started writing. My friend is working on her blog at the moment, and something she said made me think of Peanut.
I think Peanut is amazing. Everyone out there should find Jeff Dunham and watch him. The puppets he uses are all hilarious, but this little guy is my favorite for so many reasons.
Reason #1 He's purple. 'Nough said.
Reason #2 He has one shoe. I'm constantly only finding one shoe.
Reason #3 He reminds me of myself, and a very close friend of mine.
Reason #4 I have a phobia of puppets. I mean one of those, run, scream, and hide kind of phobias. Clowns are the only other thing that have the ability to make me walk out of my way to avoid them. But thanks to Jeff Dunham and Peanut, I am no longer afraid of... well... his puppets. I still don't like other puppets.
The comedic timing put in to a vintriloquest act is not easy, and rarely done well. But the timing between Peanut and Jeff is so funny you get lost and actually think the puppet is talking.
So, on that note, thank you Jeff Dunham for coming up with Peanut. He is amazing.
Moving on!
Today we'll discuss one of my favorite things. Peanut. For those of you who have no clue who Peanut is, here is a picture of the amazing... what is he?

I think Peanut is amazing. Everyone out there should find Jeff Dunham and watch him. The puppets he uses are all hilarious, but this little guy is my favorite for so many reasons.
Reason #1 He's purple. 'Nough said.
Reason #2 He has one shoe. I'm constantly only finding one shoe.
Reason #3 He reminds me of myself, and a very close friend of mine.
Reason #4 I have a phobia of puppets. I mean one of those, run, scream, and hide kind of phobias. Clowns are the only other thing that have the ability to make me walk out of my way to avoid them. But thanks to Jeff Dunham and Peanut, I am no longer afraid of... well... his puppets. I still don't like other puppets.
The comedic timing put in to a vintriloquest act is not easy, and rarely done well. But the timing between Peanut and Jeff is so funny you get lost and actually think the puppet is talking.
So, on that note, thank you Jeff Dunham for coming up with Peanut. He is amazing.
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About Me

- J.D. Cole's Blog
- Happy Hippie who lives in her own world. That would describe who I am. I'm a writer who writes for fun, and to bring other people into the worlds I dream about.